Hey! Hey! How's your weekend so far? I hope you're having a nice time and doing things that make you happy. Yay? Yay!
Speaking of happy things, here's something I've been putting off for quite a while now. My favorite things in flatties! Dundundun! I challenged myself doing this project and I'm pretty happy with how they turned out.
In 10 words or less:
Goodbye for now, I'm currently enjoying The O.C. Again. Go Seth!

In 10 words or less:
ROW 1: Hello Panda (the snack) | My specs because everything would be a blur without it | Cameras (Film and Digital babies)I really enjoyed working on this and I'll be working on a separate post for each piece. I hope you'll be back to check it out. Meanwhile, maybe you can list down your favorite things and make something creative out of it? Yeah?
ROW 2: Twitchy Laptop (yes still broken) and tablet | Tea > Coffee | iPhone + apps
ROW 3: Notebooks (ruled, non-ruled, dotted, etc) | TV shows and watching them with Jim | Sneakers, Skimmers, Flats
ROW 4: Cardigans | Books and Magazines | Good Vibes
Goodbye for now, I'm currently enjoying The O.C. Again. Go Seth!

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