Monday, 4 February 2013

This year I hope to...

I've been working on my this-year-i-hope-tos over the past week and I finally summarized it into 9 main goals. They can also be a goal within a goal. A goalception....sorry I can't help it! Each goal represents a specific area of my life that I hope to improve this 2013. Hoo Ha!

▲ Read more books - I hope to read more books than I did last year. I hope to continue building my own library and I pray that we don't transfer to another place because transporting them is too damn hard. I wish to expand on other genres, too. So if you have any book suggestions, feel free to comment below. And oh! I hope to read one book at a time. ADHD not now please. Not now.

Shoot more in film - Sadly, I often ask myself "What's the use of all your cameras if you'll just stare at them?" Remember Rule No. 1 - Take your camera everywhere you go. I found my way back to Lomograpy last year and I won't let it into oblivion again.

▲ Eat healthier - Last year, I gave up white rice (the Filipina in me) and I hope to continue it this year. I had skin problems last year and I learned that changing my diet will make a big difference. I hope to recover from it completely this 2013 and ugh, be less chubby as well? I also went organic so YAY!

▲ Stick to a budget - I love lists and spreadsheets! I had to track of my expenses because I promised myself I will save and will not live from paycheck to paycheck. The living-abroad-adjustment-phase is over and it's time to focus on the word SAVE than the word SALE. It has to be a more responsible financial year for me because I invested on something H-U-G-E late 2012. Wink wink ;)

▲ Be more committed to blogging (and to life in general) - Yes please! Don't be a slacker. I try my best to plan ahead when it comes to my entries and make sure I blog not just blahg. To be a better designer, blogger, colleague, friend, girlfriend, godmother and daughter is what I want this year.

▲ Keep in touch with family & friends - There are times (and I'm not proud of it!), I find myself being okay with the fact that I'm away from my family and friends back home. In my defense, I have to be okay with the distance because it's the only way I can live my life here. Do you think it's sad? :-( *Awkward silence* And so I make it a point that I text, call, tweet, email my dear family and friends so they won't feel I've forgotten them. THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN OKAY?

▲ Go on adventures - Go on, be the explorer and discoverer of lovely things and places. I hope to shake up my routine and do things I never thought I would do. Book that ticket with Jimmy and travel! Read: 10 Reasons To Travel This Year.

Work a little harder - I've always believed in the saying "If you take it for granted, you don't deserve it" so this year, I hope to work a little harder and find ways to maximize my potentials. We all need to, really. Hard work always pay off in the end. It's for sure.

▲ Be a blessing to others - Living a meaningful life involves other people, may it be someone we know or a random stranger. This is easier said than done but I hope to be more kind, patient and understanding towards others. Out with "haters gonna hate" and in with "likers gonna like" way of thinking. I want to be the bearer of #positiviDY. Always!

What are your hopes for this year? Did you make any New Year's resolutions?

It's going to be a great year, my friend.

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