It's Sunday and it's raining! I'm thinking on what I should do today and decided to go through photos I've collected since we moved here in Singapore. I guess the rain makes me nostalgic.
I love the food here in Singapore! Skinny Pizza + Lychee drink and ice cream = perfect for sunny adventures.

I'm not really sure what Jimmy is talking about, must be a trivia about the building or the street. I'm fine as long as I have my obligatory feet shot.

My favorite building squares taken around the Bugis/City Hall area...

More feet shots and look the long bus!

Then the building that I've always refer to as Gotham. Are you also feeling the Gotham vibe?

This set just reminded me of my analog-less life lately. Booooo. Time to be less lazy you overseas person, time to get out with ze lomo babies!
//Photos taken with Diana Mini + Agfa Precisa

//Photos taken with Diana Mini + Agfa Precisa

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