Saturday, 2 March 2013

Buy 1, Take 1!

I'll just start by saying that this post is titled Buy 1, Take 1 because it's dedicated to the night I went out with my college friends and enjoyed Buy 1, Take 1 alcoholic drinks. Hell yes, they exist!

Part 1: Going out for brunch with the one and only Joses. Reading my past posts, I realized that I often mention 2 people -- Jim & Joses. Haha so I hope you won't get sick when I say it again. I LOVE JOSES! She's the best bestfriend ever. Here she is blending so nicely and holding one of the mugs I designed for Kismet.

Brunchin' like a baws!

Behold the mother of all brunch! The yummiest french toast and pancakes! Available @ Early Bird Breakfast Club. I'm so happy I read about this lovely place at Patty Laurel's blog. Yummy x infinity!

Part 2: By dinner time, we met up with the rest of the group. Meet some of my college boys & girls, all so grown up! *insert happy tears*

I'm so glad that even though we are from different blocks, we managed to be friends with each other not only during our sleepless nights but even after graduation. We are missing the others but I guess there's always a next time. Fun friends rule!
Hello Farny and Tin! My fellow jungle juice kids (yes, the gigantic juice in tetra haha)

And this is the Buy 1, Take 1 part... I'm so amazed that beers there cost about 1 SGD only. (compared to how expensive they are here!) That's Chard mi labs holding the cutest peko + poko chocolate I got them. Nom!

We spent the night reminiscing, trying to remember who's who and keeping up with each other's lives. Mostly laughing about the strangest things and me complaining about how everything got expensive in Manila. Haha! I love them so much and I wouldn't survive design school without them. *insert happy tears again*

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